Monday, October 26, 2015

Message from an “Elder Brother” — Parts 6 and 7

Sasquatch X
Art by Thomas Finley

My Comments:

This is the next post on Alia's blog that I am re-posting. It continues the series of Messages to Humanity from the Sasquatch.

These messages have had a very deep impact on me since I began reading them about a week ago. The bottom line is that I (once again) feel the rug has been pulled out from under my feet. All that I 'thought' I know has more or less evaporated and I am recognizing this false sense of 'knowing' as the real hindrance to opening further awareness. This awareness that is dawning is also a growing sense of a visceral connection to such beings as the Sasquatch, who are standing by and waiting for us to release our tremendous adamance and arrogance. Only then can we 'hear' their advice, support and promptings which they are most likely desiring to give us continuously all the time.

Standing Elk passed on a Sasquatch message in which we read:

"The reason we had to leave the community of human beings is because of their loss of this innocence, truth, and purity. For our race and the Laws of our race are based upon these three.

All true Star Nations practice innocence, truth and purity.
Our people did not want to leave the human beings. This is why you have seen us here and there. Your grandfathers and grandmothers who have grown through what you call “years” usually are those who have seen us, because the Earth Walk teaches innocence, truth, and purity. This is why the Elders are the Spiritual leaders.

Our people are ready to come to the human beings again, to live with you and to teach you many things.

First, human beings must purify. For when we see you, we see things that are very horrifying to us because we have spiritual sight. You must cleanse the cloud of bad spirits that surrounds you, the negativity, unholy feelings, and unwise thoughts. Not only do these dark clouds prevent our people from having relationship to you, it prevents you from having relationship with Spirit and having relationship with Mother Earth."

full text of message from Standing Elk here

link to original post on Alia's blog here


Alia’s Comments:

Today we continue with the recent messages from the Sasquatch People, as received by native SunBow TrueBrother, a contactee.

I continue to feel “protected” and guided by these beings, even though I currently live in Morocco, not their usual habitat from the little I know. However, my husband and I are returning to the States soon and will be spending time in the Pacific Northwest, where sightings and contacts regularly occur. Very exciting!

As many are re-posting these messages on various social media sites, I have decided to do one more post on this topic (after this one) and then move on to other related information. I just remembered a significant “tie-in” with some of my own writing about inter-species relations. I’ll be sharing that.

There are now 49 “chapters” from Sasquatch through SunBow. For those of you who have not already read this saga of our ancient beginnings on this planet, here is the link to the Sasquatch account of our planet’s true history. It appears that this is the time for many more humans to learn about our origins. Thank you for your interest and for sharing this vital information in your own circles of influence.

If you want to check out a FB page related to this topic, it is HERE.

Sasquatch Message for Humanity Via SunBow

Conversations with Sasquatch (part 6)

SunBow: "After this, I went up north, above the 56th parallel, some 300 km from Yukon. The first day of mushroom picking in the deep bush, I came across a dozen of clear Sasquatch tracks, well printed into the charcoaled soil. They were about 16 inches long, bigger than the ones I had seen on Vancouver Island, with a definite human foot shape with five round toes. I shared my discovery to a couple friends who brought it up at camp. The general reaction was the usual laughter and bear explanation, although another picker admitted having seen tracks as well. I succeeded in explaining that Sasquatch is a very well-known being in the stories of many Native traditions, especially in BC. But I knew I couldn’t mention anything about my encounters there, without being met with ridicule and seen as a weirdo.
"The next day, as I had walked kilometers in the burnt forest, Sasquatch showed himself to me in the physical form. I first heard a sound, like a mixture of gentle groans and mumbling. The closest sound I can compare it to, although it might seem funny for some, is the voice of Chewbacca in the Star Wars movies; and you can bet they took their idea from somewhere. I lifted up my head and looked towards where the voice was coming from. And there he was standing, some 200 feet from me, beyond the pile of uprooted trees, with nothing standing between us, so that we could exchange a clear visual contact. He was over 8 feet tall, with light brown long fur, taller and slender than the black one I had seen on Vancouver Island in 2003. Although impressed, I was filled with joy, like if meeting an old friend.

"He said in telepathy:
'Here I am. I saw you found my tracks. So, you are the Human who knows us?!'
Seeing I was without fear, he was puzzled and shyly crouched behind a big uprooted stump. I could see his face between the roots, observing me with curiosity; a sentient face coming from ancient ages, made of intelligence and sensibility, profound wisdom and deep instincts, strangely human and wild.
"Although he had a few centuries of age, he was not an ancient learned elder of his people, but he was a leader of his local clan. So I waved at him and started singing a gentle chant, knowing that they love soft music and chants from the heart. He had only been seen by a few Humans in all his life, but all of them were afraid of him. Now he was meeting one who was a friend, what he found interesting, but strange, compared to the usual hunters or loggers he had seen. He wondered why I was coming with this wave of people picking all the mushrooms and invading his woods in an unprecedented manner.
"I couldn’t pretend that I was gathering my meal nor wildcrafting, so I explained to him that we exchanged the mushrooms for money, so that later we could exchange the money in the Human world, for other goods we need for our survival. He had already picked up this strange concept from reading the minds of the pickers. But what he couldn’t figure out was, how come I was the only one of my people who could communicate face to face with him, but was doing the same thing as all the others. This had me ponder, then and afterwards. He finally told me that he was glad to talk with a Human, but there was too many of my people invading his woods who couldn’t relate with him, so he couldn’t stay around in a visible form. And before I knew it, he had disappeared from my sight, suddenly vanished.
"That night, he came to me in dream and I saw clearly his face smiling over me and thanking me for the chant. The next day, I went in another area and found again some tracks, but a couple inches shorter, from another member of his family. The following day, I returned to the sector where I had encountered him. After a whole day of picking a modest harvest, I was getting ready to return to camp, as the long northern daylight was already dimming out, when I heard the same recognizable voice trying to mumble a shaky melody. After two or three attempts, I understood that he was asking me to sing again.
"So I started with a soft chant, to which he replied with a few joyful whoots. After my chant, he tried again a melody, sounding like a clumsy mixture of groans and howls. I did again a mellow chant and he tried to join with his vocal sounds. This amused me, as it felt like a sacred spiritual connection, which at the same time was also somewhat funny. I chanted the first line and stopped, and he tried to repeat it. We repeated the same exercise a few times, until he finally succeeded in howling the right notes in the right order, which made us both very happy. He explained to me that his specie communicates through telepathy and has no need for words and speech, so individual Sasquatch don’t have any specific names to designate their person. Being telepathic, they don’t need to introduce themselves to each other, nor can they lie about themselves. But they use different vocals to express their emotions or communicate their location, either to their own people or to other species who can’t communicate with telepathy.
"They can whisper, whistle, hum, mumble, moan, groan, growl, howl, whoot, roar, scream and mimick certain animals and birds. But they have not developed a musical culture nor a tradition of songs among their people. The sacred chants and spiritual music of the Humans is one of the things they appreciate, admire and miss the most from our people. Musical instruments are among the Human inventions that they value above modern technology. He had known of these things from the greater Soul of his specie, but had not yet heard music himself or experienced prior conversation with any of our Human people.
"As other means of communication, they also have glands that exude a pungent stench unbearable to most species, acting as a repellent for intruders. But they use those only in cases of danger, when they feel a threat. So I never got to smell their repellent scent, made famous through countless accounts.
"They can and have operated high technological devices and space crafts requiring logical understanding when in situations where their help was needed. But their specie has not developed any technologies nor external material tools; neither have they developed artistic creation, culture, nor the ability to play music and sing, having no need to create tools and produce art, as they can project their thoughts.
"Their primal wild lifestyles may seem raw and primitive for us Humans, but their extended knowledge of the Cosmic Order through their telepathic connection with the greater Soul of their specie and their psychic abilities to project images and energies directly into the minds makes their intelligence greater than ours on some levels, while Humans are gifted with speech, creativity, art, inventions and cultures. So when their people and our people were still connected, it was a beneficial exchange for both sides. As younger brothers, us Humans can also contribute to the well-being of our elder brothers Sasquatch.
"We thanked each other for this conversation and, as he knew I was on my way out, he bid me farewell. He explained that he had remained invisible during this last meeting, as the woods around were getting invaded with some of my people who couldn’t relate to him. So he couldn’t remain around any longer as more pickers were moving into the area. But he said that we could always remain connected in spirit. Now that we were friends, he would recommend me through telepathy to the greater Soul of the specie.
"This last encounter made me understand how each individual Sasquatch has a different personality, that connects in its own way and on different levels with the greater Soul of their specie, like to a matrix binding them all. They don’t have all the same experience, feelings and wisdom, but they all can access their collective knowledge through the greater Soul of their specie. It is comparable somehow to us Humans tapping into the internet, to share news or learn what happens elsewhere, except that when Sasquatch connects with their Mother Soul, they can’t lie or hide any intentions from their people.
"Their medicine is that of transparency and honesty. So this Sasquatch could see and know right away of my previous encounters, but he was more interested in communicating for the first time with a Human on a friendly level, than in teaching me about their history that had been previously transmitted to me. The information that he shared with me about their people was adding various new elements to what I had already been taught, concerning their personalities, emotions and perceptions of the Human specie. It also instructed me on their love of spiritual music as one way to communicate, apart from telepathy.
"If you run into Sasquatch some day, do not deny, hide, or fear; open your consciousness to the message their Soul carries. And if you find nothing better to do, sing a loving spiritual chant from your heart. Our Family of conscious two-leggeds and intelligent earthlings is far much wider, wiser, stronger and more ancient than it is generally believed in our young remodified cultures. We have some allies on this home-planet, as well as in the heavens, who are willing to help and waiting for us to reconnect with our spiritual knowledge, to bring the changes needed in our healing process and restore the Cosmic Order.
"May all beings in all the worlds be free and happy. May we be united. We are all relatives…"

Conversations with Sasquatch (part 7)

Sasquatch said:
”Now that you have seen, heard and felt more evidences of our existence then you can report, you know who we are and how we are connected. On the same level, because you have interacted peacefully with some of ours, the greater Soul of our specie now knows you and is connected to you.”
”The message of my people is not one of the mind, but one of the Soul, inspired by the heart. We do not play on words nor elaborate sophisticated rhetorics to express ourselves, but project directly the images of our thoughts into the soul who are ready to communicate in this way.’
”’The greatest intelligence is the intelligence of the heart, seat of the Soul and strongest source of magnetism in our beings. It allows telepathic communications on the etheric level, as well as astral projection and real empathy. Through the heart we can feel what other beings feel and know natural compassion. Telepathic connection is not through the mind, but through the Soul. Touching the collective Soul with consciousness has more powerful effects, than reaching the collective mind with ideas. It leaves better results for the evolution.”
”The Soul feels through the heart and can sense what other beings feel, animals, plants, stones or other forms of life. Every sentient being can communicate this way and understand one another in a telepathic way, without recourse to articulated speech, any wordings or formulas, except when the mind clouds the perceptions, limiting consciousness to a calculable, tangible, explainable equation.”
”My people, like the animals, have kept this universal ability to communicate through the soul, that most of your people have lost, partially or completely. We have not developed complicated grammar or syntax rules, nor a large diversity of vocabulary or spoken languages, nor devised anything of technological complexity, like your people have in their ever-changing creative evolution. But we have kept our natural ability to hear the souls of all living beings and of our home-planet, Mother Earth.”
”My people, like all sentient beings, can feel the same emotions that your people can feel, but over different reasons. Because we still hear the emotions of other living beings and of Mother Earth, we feel empathy.”
”We can feel the joy of the butterfly in the flower, the pride of the salmon jumping the falls, the confidence of the pack of wolves, the exaltation of the soaring eagle, the serenity of the oak.”
”But we also feel the cry of the ones in pain, dying and suffering from diseases and poisons introduced by your people and imposed on all life forms on this home-planet we were given to share, decimating species and ecosystems at a dramatic extermination rate. We hear the pains and cries when the sounds of your polluting engines tear down the natural harmony of our wilderness, or when your machinery rips apart the sacred grounds, breaks the rock, cuts the wailing trees, pierces or drills the underground.”
”We hear the pain of the water beings, who wash ashore by the millions, choke or mutate because of the activities of your Human people and the legacy of death that the uncivilization enslaving your people has left our home-planet with. We hear the pain of your own Human people who cry in vain for help, as they die in genocides, suffer or seek refuge from the evils done to them by their own Human brothers.”
”Complex mind ideologies backed by sophisticated rhetorics can blind the soul and silence the heart, causing much harm to natural harmony and other beings. The Human People must reconnect through the intelligence of the heart with the wisdom of the Soul, and feel the empathy and compassion for all. They must listen to the voices of the other souls with their heart. If they do, they will like us hear the cries of pain and know it is so unbearable, that all violence and destruction must be stopped at once.”
”If you think this is idealistic and unrealistic, ask yourself how long your uncivilization can still sustain itself with your growing populations. And then remember how long my people has been here watching over our younger brother. We hope to still share this home-planet with you for many aeons to come.”
to be continued . . .
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