Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Niguma: Mahamudra as Spontaneous Liberation

Niguma: Mahamudra as Spontaneous Liberation

Don't do anything whatsoever with the mind --
Abide in an authentic, natural state.
One's own mind, unwavering, is reality.
The key is to meditate like this without wavering;
Experience the Great [reality] beyond extremes.
In a pellucid ocean,
Bubbles arise and dissolve again.
Just so, thoughts are no different from ultimate reality.
So don't find fault; remain at ease.
Whatever arises, whatever occurs,
Don't grasp -- release it on the spot.
Appearances, sounds, and objects are one's own mind;
There's nothing except mind.
Mind is beyond the extremes of birth and death.
The nature of mind, awareness,
Uses the objects of the five senses, but
Does not wander from reality.
In the state of cosmic equilibrium
There is nothing to abandon or practice;
No meditation or post-meditation period.

~ Miranda Shaw (tr.) "Niguma: Mahamudra as Spontaneous Liberation," in Passionate Enlightenment.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Knowledge of Tomorrow

There is no knowledge of tomorrow.

Observation implies no accumulation of knowledge, even though knowledge is obviously necessary at a certain level: knowledge as a doctor, knowledge as a scientist, knowledge of history, of all the things that have been. After all, that is knowledge: information about the things that have been. There is no knowledge of tomorrow, only conjecture as to what might happen tomorrow, based on your knowledge of what has been. A mind that observes with knowledge is incapable of following swiftly the stream of thought. It is only by observing without the screen of knowledge that you begin to see the whole structure of your own thinking. And as you observe, which is not to condemn or accept, but simply to watch, you will find that thought comes to an end. Casually to observe an occasional thought leads nowhere, but if you observe the process of thinking and do not become an observer apart from the observed,if you see the whole movement of thought without accepting or condemning it,then that very observation puts an end immediately to thought, and therefore the mind is compassionate, it is in a state of constant mutation.

Jiddu Krisnamurti

Saturday, March 16, 2013


I see the gushing of creation
forms upon forms without end
like an exploded oil-well
how to stem the flow
contain the damage

refrain from augmenting in any way
remain in equipoise 
watching flowing never resisting
never inciting
calming quieting
watching with fine restraint
Surrendering to the sudden explosion of effulgence
I remain in equipoise at the stillpoint

Complete absence

Lightmare: Complete absence:

"Do not think of anything, do not think of anything at all!
Do not contrive, but relax naturally and gently!
The contrived state is the precious unborn treasury.
It is path blazed by all victorious ones of the three times."
Lonchen Rabjam
All thoughts are just projections of virtual reality, instead of resting in reality as it is -spontaneously arisen, here and now, vibrating from moment to moment.
Stop it. Without violence, just, simply and softly, cut through.

Day-dreaming is every thought which stays longer than trace on water surface.
With the help of gentle bringing of attention on the breath and corresponding rhythmic movements of the body, come back to the simplicity of being.
When you hear a sound, or see objects in the vision field, when you sense warmth of the sun rays on the skin, or smell some fragrance - notice that and stop!
Where are they?
Where is it?
Happening out there and perceived here inside?
Where? Inside and outside of what?
No, there is no answer. 
There is no here; there is no there.
It is just mind. And there is no mind, never was and never will be.
Where are all those thoughts?
From moment to moment everything seemingly arises and disappears, although there never were anything at all.
Feel the free space of awareness, non-local, luminous emptiness of the mind and bliss of return from multiplicity to unicity of experience.
Released, with consciousness shifted with open light channel to the space of heart, stay in deep peace.

Great Bliss of Dharma

Lightmare: Great Bliss of Dharma:

The Upadeśa of the Great Bliss of Dharma 

"There are three essences, four commitments, three deviations and four methods of equipoise.

The three essences:
Without contrivance;
Everything that occurs is understood as one's own mind.

The four commitments:
Afflictions are not abandoned because they are one's mind.
Antidotes are not relied upon because the mind is non-dual.
The true nature is not meditated upon because mind is without grasping.
A result is not hoped for, realizing the mind itself is Buddhahood.

The three deviations:
If there is hope for Buddhahood, it is a deviation.
If there is fear towards Samsara, it is a deviation.
If there is attachment to appearances, it is a deviation.

The four methods of equipoise:
Just like the limpid quality of water when it is undisturbed, remain relaxed in uncontrived mind.
Just as a bird in the sky leaves no tracks, consciousness remains without support.
Just like the sun not concealed by clouds, remain in one’s own unobstructed state relaxing into the objects of the six sense organs.
Just like water always falling, remain undistracted at all times and in all activities.

The heart upadesha of the great master Dombhi Heruka called 'Four Syllables' is complete."

Cosmic Equilibrium

Lightmare: Cosmic Equilibrium:

Cosmic Equilibrium

“Don’t bring anything to mind,
Be it real or imagined.
Rest uncontrived in the innate state.
Your own mind, uncontrived, is the body of ultimate enlightenment.
To remain undistracted within this, is meditation’s essential point.
Realize the great, boundless, expansive state.

In a pellucid ocean,
Bubbles arise and dissolve again.
Just so, thoughts are no different from ultimate reality.
So don't find fault; remain at ease.
Whatever arises, whatever occurs,
Don't grasp - release it on the spot. 


Appearances, sounds, and objects are one's own mind;
There's nothing except mind. 
Mind is beyond the extremes of birth and death.
The nature of mind, awareness,
Uses the objects of the five senses, but
Does not wander from reality.
In the state of cosmic equilibrium
There is nothing to abandon or practice;
No meditation or post-meditation period."
Niguma, Mahamudra as Spontaneous Liberation