
Belly Full of Tears

Light Opening

Take this belly full of tears

Let them rain down and water our dreams

Releasing the pain, the fear, the sadness

Let them drain away into the rivers of love

That are filling the dark valleys in our hearts

Feel how these tears come gushing forth

To wash away the past

For we have seen the folly of our ways

The hurt we have caused

And we hear the Voice from on high:


Yes, we are the Masters of our Destiny

And we say NOW:


Clouds Dissipating

Han Shan -- I Have Thrust Aside Everything

I live alone by folded cliffs
where churning mists even at midday do not part.

Though it is dark here in the room,
my mind is clear and free of clamor.

In dreams I roam past golden portals;
my spirit returns across the stone bridge.

I have thrust aside everything that vexes me –
Clatter! Clatter! Goes the dipper in the tree.*

*someone feeling sorry for the hermit Hsu Yu because he had to drink water from his hands, gave him a gourd dipper. But after using it once, Hsu Yu hung it in a tree and went off, leaving it to clatter in the wind
Cold Mountain, 100 poems by the T’ang poet Han Shan, translated by Burton Watson, no. 42, p. 60


Hear Listen Roar

Sequence created by memory
I project it onto the world;
Then from sequence I conjecture causality
And project it onto the world.

What does the world look like
without sequence and causality?

October 19, 2012


Razor's Edge

The ocean’s vast expanse in the brilliance of early morning sun

The horizon cut with a razor into deep blue sky and steel blue ocean

Every blade of beach grass and each driftwood log etched into the sand

Each wave-curl sharp as crystal

There is no looking – only presence of the depth in all shapes cut of light

Do you ever feel you are Light being penetrated by Light these days?

Any ever so slight shadow on the screen of life is felt as pain

I am a razor walking on my own edge in this crispness and clarity

Acceptance is the ultimatum

Once answered “Yes!” the new paradigm is instantaneous and spontaneous

Take off your shoes and socks all protection and step onto the razor’s edge

Like the tightropewalker your were born to be
No Fear Only Love Unconditional

Our True Destiny!

25 October, 2012


Behind the Words

I am writing words and behind the words is what I wish to say.

This life we are living as awareness alive as itself.

Can I release my words, concepts, my hold on reality?

There is a seeing happening, I call it consciousness.

It is a flow, a swirling, a curling, a joining and separating ~

All within this movement and seeing is what it is.

The wall, the man, the jar, the cat, the rock, the clock

All seeing is what it is.

As it sees it becomes and yet it moves not.

Such a power in this Organ of Perception! 
It sees and in that is creating.

Now it sees thinking, dreaming, wishing, wanting, learning 
and So It Is.

Make it so, Number One, 
and the One is you, is me, is we.

We are the Seeing “I”, the Self is the Seeing Eye.

We are That.

Let’s start enjoying our Self!

Our time is come and it is NOW without end.

I greet each of You as my Self 
and Love is our language behind the words.

October 22, 2012


The Whole of Love, Nobody, The Infinite and other Gems: 
Emily Dickinson

We learned the whole of love,
The alphabet, the words,
A chapter, then the mighty book--
Then revelation closed.
But in each other's eyes
An ignorance beheld
Diviner than the childhood's,
And each to each a child.
Attempted to expound
What neither understood.
Alas, that wisdom is so large
And truth so manifold!


The Infinite a sudden guest
Has been assumed to be,
But how can that stupendous come
Which never went away?


I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us -- don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!


The only news I know
Is bulletins all day
From Immortality.

The only shows I see,
Tomorrow and Today,
Perchance Eternity.

The only One I meet
Is God, -the only street,
Existence; this traversed

If other news there be,
Or admirabler show --
I'll tell it you.


The life we have is very great;
The life that we shall see
Surpasses it we know because
It is Infinity.

But when all space has been beheld
And all dominion shown,
The smallest human heart's extent
Reduces it to none.

Emily Dickensen

for this selection of poems!



Clear Space

there is a weight
the weight of consciousness
so heavy dense
pulling down into thick velvet blackness
making the tongue heavy fingers thick
pressing on shoulders spine
the head like a boulder
eyelids leaden fall shut
legs crumple beneath
like an earthquake
a landslide a monsoon downpour
obliterating all traces
features disintegrate
primordial substratum seducing
light soaked up by its source
impenetrable density
black hole infinite crevice
rip in the fabric of experience
pulled thrown into it
overpowering vacuum sucking
oblivious to thoughts sentiments
beliefs crumbs of mind entire edifice crumbles
delicious destruction liberating annihilation
seething soothing cleansing
deleting all impressions residue in a flash
clear space empty space sacred space
fresh vision from no-space
brain regenerates breathes again
all scar tissue smoothed like a baby’s cheek
deep pool of eternal youth

Tomas, February 9, 2010

Cloud Roads

People search for cloud roads

but cloud roads can't be found

the peaks are high and sheer

the streams are wide and dark

ridges rise in front and back

clouds stretch east and west

I'll tell you where cloud roads are

cloud roads are in space

Han Shan

(No. 255 The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain translated by Red Pine)


  1. draw your creation poem, if I may save it to a collection of poems in the book, I would write the author, maker: Tomas Qubeck, hearing is very interesting ...
