A Hathor Planetary
Message through Tom Kenyon
In this message we wish to discuss some of the significant
relationships between manifest reality and non-dual states of consciousness.
Mind and
Before we proceed, however, we would like to draw a
distinction between the terms consciousness and mind as we use the words.
For us consciousness is transcendent to all phenomena and is
not bound by neurological activity in your nervous system. Furthermore,
consciousness is transcendent to both time and space, as you perceive them. And
it is through the vehicle of your consciousness that you can travel through
energetic vortices that lead outside the constraints of embodied existence.
Mind, as we use the term, refers to the sensory, mental and
emotional experiences you have as a result of distinct changes in your nervous
system. Indeed, as you read these words, you are creating their meaning through
the agency of your physical brain and nervous system. You are creating the meaning of our words
through the window of your mind, but this window is both created and
constrained by the limitations of your nervous system.
Our messages are linguistically coded, and at various
locations in the syntax (order) of our communications there are
vortices—wormholes—through which you can temporarily transcend your mind and
enter into the infinite mystery of consciousness.
How We View Higher
In our experience of ourselves, we exist within multiple
dimensions of consciousness, and depending upon our level of personal evolution
we manifest in the fourth through the twelfth dimensions. Through the ninth
dimension we can alternate between our anthropomorphic form, which is humanlike
in appearance, or our light body.
As we shift into the 10th dimension all connections to our
anthropomorphic form dissolve. We become, for all intents and purposes,
geometric light forms. As we progress in our own personal evolution we can
express ourselves through the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions in a multitude of
Each progression upward in consciousness brings with it a
greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings and all aspects
of the cosmos. The odd paradox of existence becomes clearly apparent as we
enter into the 10th Dimension.
and Non-duality
We are sharing this information because something similar
occurs for you as you transit into the higher dimensions of your own being. In
the 10th through the 12th Dimensions, awareness of interconnectedness expands,
as does an awareness of non-duality—the Mother of All Things. This is, indeed,
the paradox of consciousness we mentioned earlier, and it is one that has been
addressed by some of your Perennial Philosophies.
For us, the attainment of non-duality is not the final
destination but rather a cantilever to greater mastery and an understanding of
how to create benevolent outcomes.
How We View
In a non-dual state of consciousness we, like you,
experience a disappearance of opposition. In non-dual states of consciousness,
duality—as it is experienced in relative existence—disappears, and we enter
into a great sense of centered awareness and serenity.
In the deepest states of non-duality there is only pure
consciousness experiencing itself.
It is important to realize that non-dual states of
consciousness are relative to the perceiver. Thus, if you experience
non-duality through your heart chakra, you may very well experience impersonal
love—a deep sense of cosmic connection.
Indeed, in this state of union between non-duality and the
heart, you become infatuated, and for all intents and purposes, you fall in
love with the cosmos. And in that paradox of the heart, you become the Beloved,
and everything you see and witness is the Beloved as well.
While this is a beautiful state of consciousness, it is not
pure non-duality. As you move upward into the higher chakras experiences of
non-duality change. When you reside in the crown chakra, non-duality is
experienced in its pure form—pure consciousness aware of itself. There is no
sense of a personal self in these higher dimensions of non-duality.
The paradox of creation is that it unfolds from the purest
states of non-duality into the most polarized states of existence. Thus, in
your consciousness are the two seemingly conflicting states of relative
existence (i.e., your embodied life in time and space) and non-dual states of
consciousness in which all polarities and conflicts disappear.
Our perspective, as mentioned earlier, is that non-dual
states of consciousness are cantilevers to greater mastery of creation and not
the end point or the goal of evolution.
vs. Oneness
It is here we feel it necessary to discuss an important
distinction between interconnectedness and the concept of “oneness.” We do not
view these two terms interchangeably. There are many different definitions of
“oneness” upon the Earth, and so it is not possible to address all the
subtleties and distinctions.
We will instead turn our attention to what we consider to be
the fundamental distinction. Some persons believe that interconnectedness is
the same as “oneness” and that as you enter higher states of consciousness and
higher dimensions of being, you merge into a blob of light, in which all
distinctions disappear. This is not our view.
Interconnection or interconnectedness is the recognition
that all beings and all aspects of the cosmos are interrelated and at the same
time beings have unique differences. These differences are fascinating and
unique. Sometimes they are annoying, and sometimes they are enriching. But
these differences are part of the tapestry of manifest reality, and they are
not superfluous.
One of the difficulties we see with the concept of “oneness,”
as currently propagated by some persons in the New Age and Personal Growth
communities, is that the unique differences between people are denigrated and
somehow because everything is “one,” appropriate energetic boundaries between
individuals can be, and often are, disregarded. Furthermore, some individuals
use this belief system (i.e., “oneness”) as an excuse to avoid personal
accountability and responsibility. In our experience of ourselves through all
dimensions we remain unique individuals, and the higher dimensions of our being
do not obliterate our uniqueness but rather present greater opportunities for
The Aethos
We now wish to share with you a means to access one of our
greatest cultural treasures, what we call the Aethos (pronounced, AH-EE-THOS).
The Aethos is a bandwidth of consciousness anchored in pure non-duality.
When a Hathor enters into the 10th Dimension there are many
opportunities and ways of manifesting. Some of us choose to temporarily join a
community of vibration. This community consists of individual Hathors in the
10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions. These individuals enter into non-duality by
their own volition and choose to remain, for a period of time, in this
vibration of consciousness for the benefit of other beings.
Most individuals remain temporarily in the Aethos, while a
few show no signs of leaving. When a being enters into the Aethos all personal
distinctions are set aside. A being that is in the Aethos has no name. All
personal identity has been replaced by total immersion into non-duality. These
beings “hold” this vibration of non-duality for the benefit of others because
non-duality is the Mother of All Things and the underlying fabric of all
To be in the presence of an Aethos is to be raised upward
into non-duality.
Your experience of being with an Aethos will differ from
another’s experience, based upon your own level of evolution and the issues in
duality that you are facing.
But regardless of how complex or difficult your personal
issues may be, being in the presence of an Aethos will elevate you, and that is
why we are sharing this information at this time.
For some of you who are highly advanced, simply hearing the
name Aethos, and understanding its non-dual nature, will be enough for you to move
into communion with non-duality through this means.
Many people, however, would find such a path, or method,
intrinsically difficult. And so we are offering a sound treasure to assist you.
This Sound Meditation is an analog of the light realms where the Aethos
The Aethos emits vibrations of light and these vibrations
can be stepped down into the audible range of human hearing. Thus, what you
will be hearing, when you listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation, is a
translation of light into sound. It is the harmonic essence of the Aethos as it
manifests in the 10th Dimension.
We suggest you experiment with listening to this unique
sound treasure in various ways. The first way would be to listen to it with
your full attention on the sound. Allow the sound to be the primary focus of
your attention, and when your mind wanders bring it back to the sound.
The second way to listen would be with your focus of
attention on your heart chakra in the center of your chest.
Then listen to it with awareness in your throat chakra.
Next, listen to it with your focus of attention in your
Third Eye (Ajna), located between your eyes at the bridge of your nose.
And then, finally, listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation
with your attention in your crown chakra at the top of your head.
Feel and sense the differences that arise when you listen to
The Aethos Sound Meditation from these various chakras. Most of you will find
that it feels more natural to listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation with your
focus of attention in one of your chakras. This chakra is the focus we suggest
you use when listening, in preparation for the sound meditation that will occur
during the upcoming World Meditation.
The Evolutionary
Intelligence Test
From our perspective one of the signatures of an evolved
consciousness is the recognition of interconnectedness. This recognition is an
evolutionary intelligence test and your species is in the middle of it.
Humanity cannot continue to live, collectively, as it has done—living in the
delusion that humans can plunder the Earth with no consequence to the Earth, to
its myriad life forms or to humanity itself.
The World Meditation
The goal of the World Meditation is to add a vibrational
quality to the emotional atmosphere of your planet.
You have an inherent right to do so because you are embodied
in time and space, and because you are living temporarily upon this Earth. As a
resident of this planet, you have a right to encourage benevolent outcomes.
The specific purpose of this World Meditation is to
accelerate the collective human recognition of interconnectedness and a passage
from the miasmas and delusions of humanity’s collective history into a new
constellation of cultural beliefs that will serve to unfold humanity’s higher
destiny. This will be done through the agency of your imagination—the power of
your will and intention—joined with the creative potentials that reside in
non-dual states of consciousness.
The date and time of this World Meditation will be November
4th between 3:00 and 4:00 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time). While the meditation
will be global, the nexus point of the energetic will be in Seattle, Washington
during the final hour of a Hathor Intensive we are calling The Art of Seeding
New Realities.
For the duration of this meditation, the Aethos will enter
into the space that will be created by those attending the Intensive. And from
this nexus point, the Aethos will extend its energetic throughout the world to
all those who have chosen to join us in this undertaking (The World
It does not matter where on Earth you are physically
located. Furthermore, while the formal meditation in Seattle will begin at 3:00
PM and end at 4:00 PM, the energetic generated by the Aethos will continue for
twenty-five hours. In other words, the Aethos will continue to emanate its
energetic from the 10th dimension to those individuals who have chosen to
participate in the World Meditation from November 4th 2012 at 3:00 PM PST to
November 5th 2012 at 4:00 PM PST.
You can join the World Meditation anytime during this
twenty-five hour period.
In point of fact, you can also enter into this specific
meditation whenever you wish to “broadcast” the thought form of
interconnectedness to humanity. As you collectively enter the more intensive
phases of planetary transformation, those of you attuned to the reality of
interconnectedness will “know” when it is propitious to send this thought form
to your fellow humans through the agency of this particular meditation.
When undertaking this meditation, it is important to
understand that you are not directly affecting the outcome of events, but
rather you are “broadcasting” a benevolent thought form to the human
collective. What individual humans choose to do, or not do, in relation to the
realization of interconnectedness, however, is in the sovereign providence of
each individual.
Furthermore, the Aethos does not and is, in fact, incapable
of intervening into human consciousness. A human person must choose to enter
into a vibratory alignment with the Aethos. In other words, the Aethos does not
take actions. It simply emanates its nature, which is non-dual consciousness.
The Actual Meditation
During the meditation we suggest you begin by listening to
The Aethos Sound Meditation for thirty minutes. During this phase, your focus
of attention is in your heart chakra unless you intuitively sense that it would
be better for you to place your attention in another chakra.
After listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation, simply be in
silence with your awareness in your heart chakra (or another chakra you have
chosen to work with). After a minute or so of focusing in your chosen chakra,
imagine that some part of you (i.e. your KA or “etheric double”) rises above
you wherever you are physically located on the Earth. Imagine and sense that
this second you, which looks exactly like the physical you, floats to a
position sixty miles above the planet, where you join hands with others all
across the Earth who have joined in the meditation.
This joining of hands is a symbolic representation of the
thought form we are calling “interconnectedness.” This is the recognition and
the acknowledgement that all humanity is interconnected and that this
interconnectedness exists simultaneously along side the unique differences of
all individuals.
The one you may be joining hands with could very well live
in a far distant area of the Earth from you. He or she may have a different
view of reality. He or she may follow a different religion than you or follow
no religion at all. The person you are holding hands with may be facing
challenges very different than those you are facing, due to his or her location
on the Earth and the culture he or she must conform to. And yet in spite of all
these differences you are interconnected.
Joining you in this sea of interconnectedness will be the
Devic kingdoms, the spirits of the Earth, the elementals, and the myriad life
forms upon your Earth, as well as the Earth herself. For those of you who are
aware of multiple dimensions you may very well experience a joining with
intergalactic intelligences as well as with cosmic bodies, including the Sun
and the Central Sun—the black hole that forms the center of your galaxy.
We realize that some of you reading this are so disheartened
by the quality and the state of humanity you may find it difficult, if not
impossible, to join hands with fellow humans. If you are one of these persons
we suggest you join hands with the nature spirits, and you will, by this
action, be adding to the potency of the transformation.
Preparation For The
World Meditation
If you choose to join us in the World Meditation, we ask
that you begin to work with The Aethos Sound Meditation on a regular basis. The
purpose of this preparatory work is so that you become familiar with the states
of consciousness produced in you by the Aethos.
If you are dealing with difficult issues in your life, we
suggest you listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation at least once a day. This is
to assist you to move into a different state of consciousness, and from this
perspective your issues will decrease and/or your ability to deal with them
will increase.
The net result of this is that you will be elevated, and we
need as many elevated individuals as possible to join the World Meditation. Let
us put this another way…if you are riddled with personal toxicity, work with
The Aethos Sound Meditation every day, first for your own benefit and,
secondly, for the world sangha (community).
You are, by the way, welcome to listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation
and use it as a personal transformational tool even if you do not plan to join
the World Meditation.
The Aethos Sound
Meditation: Final Reflections
It is with pleasure and great expectation that we present to
you The Aethos Sound Meditation. We trust that it will bring you a sense of
serenity and a greater capacity to deal with the chaotic events of your world.
It is also our expectation that the Aethos will open a path
to your own non-duality, and that, as a manifest creator-being, you will bring
the two together—the uniqueness of your life and the power of non-duality.
May this union be a boon to you and to all your relations.
The Hathors
September 20, 2012
Tom’s Thoughts and
I find this particular Hathor message to be one of their
more densely packed bodies of information, and even after reading it multiple
times I still find new levels of insight.
There are several areas discussed, but I will confine my
comments to the Aethos and the Sound Meditation that will form the first part
of the World Meditation on Nov. 4th.
The Aethos
My first encounter with the Aethos occurred about a year ago
in preparation for a Hathor Intensive called Transmissions of Light. A few
months before the event I was in one of my periodic existential funks when one
of my mentors escorted me through the realms to the 10th dimension where he
instructed me to just “sit” with the Aethos.
I was immediately calmed and soon entered what I recognized
to be a type of Samadhi (yogic trance) in which I began to sink deeper and
deeper into a non-dual state of consciousness. The agitation that had so
clearly commandeered my mind for several hours suddenly dissipated in a matter
of several minutes. And this, no small feat, had transpired just by me
“sitting” in the presence of the Aethos.
As the Hathors mention in this message, the idea of
non-duality shows up in various Perennial Philosophies, some of which can be
traced back to the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita of ancient India, the
non-dual teachings of various mystics and sages as well as the essential
teachings of Buddhism, to name but a few.
The Aethos I “sat” with was, as I said earlier, a 10th
dimensional Hathor, and whenever I sense this being clairvoyantly, I clearly
see “it” as a ball of light comprised of thirteen counter-rotating spheres
embedded within each other. My sense is that the ratios established by these
counter-rotating spheres combine to create a non-dual energetic, which is what
affected me so strongly.
I referred to this being as “it” because it has no sign of
gender. Whereas the Hathors I have encountered in the 4th through the 9th
dimensions have both a light body and a gendered anthropomorphic form, the
Hathors I have encountered in the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions present
themselves solely as geometric light forms.
The Aethos Sound
When I recorded The Aethos Sound Meditation, it was this
10th dimensional Hathor who guided me. From an engineering standpoint, it was a
fascinating experience. As I recorded each of the eight tracks that comprise
the recording, this being would alter my voice in distinct ways and in distinct
ratios to previously recorded sounds. After laying down the foundation tracks I
simply layered and looped them, according to “its” guidance, in order to
approximate the light fluctuations that comprised “its” being. There was no
electronic manipulation of the sound—meaning that I did not alter the EQ in any
way, nor was any reverb or other effect applied to my voice. The sounds you
hear in The Aethos Sound Meditation are completely natural and devoid of any
effect, as hard as it may be to comprehend after listening to it.
At the end of this message, you will find two links to two
different versions of this sound meditation. The first is 5 minutes and 4
seconds long. It is a way for you to test the waters, so to speak, and I would
suggest you start with this one. See what unfolds for you in the short five
minutes it takes to listen.
Work with this five-minute audio file in the ways the
Hathors suggested. First just listen to it with your full attention on the
sounds. Then listen to it with your
focus of attention in your Heart Chakra (beneath your sternum and in the center
of your chest). Then listen to it with your attention in your Throat Chakra.
Next listen to it with your focus in your Third Eye (between your eyes at the
bridge of your nose), and then, finally, listen to it with your attention in
your Crown Chakra (at the top of your head). You might want to do these in
separate listening sessions to avoid “energetic overload.”
The second version is for those who are choosing to join the
World Meditation on November 4th and/or for those who wish to enter into the
presence of the Aethos for longer periods of time. This second audio file is 30
minutes long, the length of time the Hathors will be spending with the Aethos
prior to the symbolic holding of hands in the final stage of the World
If you plan to join us in the World Meditation, I strongly
urge you to begin listening to this extended version well in advance of
November 4th. This is so you have experience with the various states of mind
that the sound meditation produces in you.
Directions for The
World Meditation
As the Hathors mentioned, the energetic of the Aethos will
be extended to all those participating in the World Meditation for a period of
twenty-five hours, beginning at 3:00 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time) on November
4th and ending at 4:00 PM PST on November 5th. This means you can enter into
the meditation and join with the world sangha (community) anytime during that
twenty-five hour period. For the precise time of the Meditation in Seattle for
your time zone, you can consult various world time sites, including http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
Begin the Meditation by listening to The Aethos Sound
Meditation for 30 minutes. This is to raise your state of consciousness, and to
prime the pump of creation, since the Hathors contend that non-dual states of
consciousness are cantilevers to creative states.
Then you imagine that your KA (your etheric double), or some
version of you, floats up to a position 60 miles above your location on the
planet. You then imagine holding hands with others around the world. This
joining of hands is an act of imagination signifying an acknowledgment of
interconnectedness. As the Hathors explained, this type of interconnectedness
does not negate our differences. It is inclusive of them. The act of holding
hands above the Earth acknowledges that we are all interconnected, including
other life forms and even energetic intelligences as well.
How long you remain in this imaginal state is up to you. I
would suggest at least 5 – 10 minutes. When your mind wanders, and it most
likely will, just bring your focus of attention back to the “you” that is
floating 60 miles above the Earth.
After you complete the World Meditation, it would be an
ideal time to engage The Sphere of All Possibilities to energize whatever
personal outcomes you wish to manifest. If you have not read this Hathor
Planetary Message, it would be good to do so before the World Meditation.
If this is like other Hathor World Meditations in the past,
it could be an energetically charged experience. If you encounter a lot of
intensity during the meditation, it would be good to rest afterward, even lying
down if possible.
If you are so inclined, you can enter into the Meditation
repeatedly and as many times as you wish during the twenty-five hour period.
Your comfort zone would be the guide here.
Note: If you choose to work with the 30 minute Aethos Sound
Meditation, please download it to your computer and refrain from listening to
it from our server. If too many people listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation
from our server, at any given time, the server may crash—keeping others from
being able to hear or download it. Please do not depend on listening to this
sound meditation on our website on the day of the meditation. The server will
not be able to “serve” everyone. Download it before the day of the meditation.
Important Note: Do not listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation
in situations requiring alertness such as driving a car or while operating
Do not plan to listen to this from our site on the day of
the meditation. You must download it ahead of time and be ready.
Click onto Tom’s site
and scroll down to the very bottom for The Aethos Sound Meditation links:
The Aethos Sound
Meditation (5 mins 4 secs)
And full-length The
Aethos Sound Meditation (30 mins)
Tom Kenyon
©2012 Tom Kenyon All
Rights Reserved www.tomkenyon.com
You may make and distribute copies of this message in any media you wish so long as you do not alter it in any way, do not charge for it, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. You may not, however, use my music with any video, graphics, meditation or copy placed over it. The Aethos Sound Meditation audio files are not part of this message and may not be posted on any other site. They are for your personal listening purposes only.You may not post my music on You Tube or any such media. The message itself may be copied and shared, but not my music. I hold copyright on all my music, and it may not be used, distributed, or copied in anyway in any medium.